Discover banking services and innovative business activities with the Privredna banka Zagreb.
Find Privredna banka Zagreb ATM in Supernova Zadar
The users of the services provided by Privredna Banka Zagreb in the Supernova Zadar shopping centre can withdraw cash fast and easily. PBZ ATM is located on the ground floor of the shopping centre, close to the western entrance, next to the New Yorker store.
PBZ - bank with a long and continuous history of banking operations
Privredna banka Zagreb (PBZ) is at the very top of the Croatian banking with continuous banking operations since 1966. Today, Privredna banka Zagreb is part of the Intesa Group, i.e., member of the Intesa Sanpaolo Group since 2007. With its business strategy, Privredna banka Zagreb is focused on the most modern forms of banking business and new products, thus confirming the image of a dynamic and modern European bank that always follows the demands of the market and its customers.
On the territory of Croatia there are about 200 branch offices and subsidiaries and it is situated in the Supernova shopping centres throughout Croatia. In its range of services, the bank offers: banking services, card business, leasing, housing society services and real estate services.